Religious News Service Photographs

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Text transcribed from caption: STARTS CRUSADE FOR ‘UNITED CHURCH’ #S-3190 SYRACUSE, N.Y. -- Dr. E. Stanley Jones, evangelist and author, began a series of national speaking campaigns here on behalf of “a crusade for a United Church of America.” Mass meetings are planned for 30 cities from coast to coast. Chairman of the sponsoring committee is Andrew Phelps, of Pittsburgh, vice president of the Westinghouse Electric Co. Other members are Herbert Hoover, Congressman Walter H. Judd, J. C. Penney, Lowell Thomas, Gov. Luther W. Youngdahl, of Minnesota, Kirtley Mather and Mrs. Harper Sibley. Credit Must Read: RELIGIOUS NEWS SERVICE PHOTO (S.N.-N.Y.-9A-7-JOG-W)
Subject names:
Religious News Service--Archives., Jones, E. Stanley (Eli Stanley), 1884-1973.
Evangelists--New York (State)--Syracuse., Christian union--United States.
Geographic subjects:
Syracuse (N.Y.)
Text transcribed from caption: STARTS CRUSADE FOR ‘UNITED CHURCH’ #S-3190 SYRACUSE, N.Y. -- Dr. E. Stanley Jones, evangelist and author, began a series of national speaking campaigns here on behalf of “a crusade for a United Church of America.” Mass meetings are planned for 30 cities from coast to coast. Chairman of the sponsoring committee is Andrew Phelps, of Pittsburgh, vice president of the Westinghouse Electric Co. Other members are Herbert Hoover, Congressman Walter H. Judd, J. C. Penney, Lowell Thomas, Gov. Luther W. Youngdahl, of Minnesota, Kirtley Mather and Mrs. Harper Sibley. Credit Must Read: RELIGIOUS NEWS SERVICE PHOTO (S.N.-N.Y.-9A-7-JOG-W)
Subject names:
Religious News Service--Archives., Jones, E. Stanley (Eli Stanley), 1884-1973.
Evangelists--New York (State)--Syracuse., Christian union--United States.
Geographic subjects:
Syracuse (N.Y.)
Text transcribed from caption: ORDINATION OF A PRIEST #1510 Highly treasured is the first blessing imported by the newly-ordained priest. Here, Father Ryan bestows his first blessing on his sister, Miss Elizabeth J. Ryan, a member of the Waves; and his uncle, Mr. Edgar J. Wheeler. The blessing took place at the cathedral altar rail. (No. 7 and last of a series) Credit Must Read: RELIGIOUS NEWS SERVICE PHOTO (DOT-U-NY-JOG-2C-6-C-D)
Subject names:
Religious News Service--Archives., Catholic Church--Liturgy., Catholic Church--Clergy., Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Syracuse, N.Y.), Wheeler, Edgar J., Ryan, Elizabeth J.
Ordination--Catholic Church., Rites and ceremonies--New York (State)--Syracuse., Clergy--Office., Benediction--Catholic Church., Clergy--New York (State)--Syracuse.
Geographic subjects:
Syracuse (N.Y.)
Text transcribed from caption: ORDINATION OF A PRIEST #1509 At the offertory each ordinand presents a lighted candle to the bishop. From then on they all say prayers of Mass aloud with the bishop. Shown kneeling besides them are their sponsors, wearing white surplices. After his communion, each new priest takes a draught of wine. Later the priests recite “Apostles’ Creed” together, and Bishop again lays on his hands and says, “Receive the Holy Ghost. Whose sins you shall forgive they are forgiven them; whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.” At this point each priest makes a promise of obedience, and the bishop solemnly blesses them all together. (No. 6 of a series) Credit Must Read: RELIGIOUS NEWS SERVICE PHOTO (DOT-U-NY-JOG-2C-6-C-D)
Subject names:
Religious News Service--Archives., Catholic Church--Liturgy., Catholic Church--Clergy., Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Syracuse, N.Y.)
Ordination--Catholic Church., Rites and ceremonies--New York (State)--Syracuse., Clergy--Office., Mass., Clergy--New York (State)--Syracuse.
Geographic subjects:
Syracuse (N.Y.)
Text transcribed from caption: ORDINATION OF A PRIEST #1508 The new priests purify their hands of the holy oils with which they were anointed by Bishop. The holy oils are pure olive oil blessed by a bishop on Maundy Thursday. Significance of oil is for anointing strength, sweetness and spiritual activity; the ointment for the limbs of the athletes of the Lord. (No. 5 of a series) Credit Must Read: RELIGIOUS NEWS SERVICE PHOTO (DOT-U-NY-JOG-2C-6-C-D)
Subject names:
Religious News Service--Archives., Catholic Church--Liturgy., Catholic Church--Clergy., Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Syracuse, N.Y.)
Ordination--Catholic Church., Rites and ceremonies--New York (State)--Syracuse., Clergy--New York (State)--Syracuse., Holy oils., Clergy--Office.
Geographic subjects:
Syracuse (N.Y.)
Text transcribed from caption: ORDINATION OF A PRIEST #1507 At the start of the ordination ceremony, which takes place during Mass, the five candidates for the priesthood, approaching the climax of their long years of study, proceed to the altar, lighted candles in their hands to show honor to God. Over the left arm they carry chasubles, and on the left forearm wear maniples. Significance of the chasuble, the outermost garment worn by priests at Mass, is all-covering charity and the yoke of Christ. Chasuble is from the Latin, meaning “a little House.” Maniple signifies the sorrows of life, and the bonds of Our Lord. Worn over the left shoulder is the stole, symbol of hierarchical order and the immortality of which man is unworthy. (No. 1 of a series) Credit Must Read: RELIGIOUS NEWS SERVICE PHOTO (DOT-U-NY-JOG-2C-6-C-D)
Subject names:
Religious News Service--Archives., Catholic Church--Liturgy., Catholic Church--Clergy., Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Syracuse, N.Y.)
Ordination--Catholic Church., Rites and ceremonies--New York (State)--Syracuse., Church vestments--Catholic Church., Clothing and dress--Religious aspects--Catholic Church., Clergy--Office.
Geographic subjects:
Syracuse (N.Y.)
Text transcribed from caption: ORDINATION OF A PRIEST #1506 Following laying on of hands, the bishop talks on dignity of priesthood, then invests each deacon with the chasuble. The bishop invokes the blessing of God and while the “Veni, Creator Spiritus” is song, he anoints the palms of the hands of the future priests with Oil of the Catechumens. Oil symbolizes the priestly and royal power of Christ. The bishop also delivers to each a chalice and paten, saying, “Receive the power to celebrate Mass both for the living and the dead in the name of the Lord.” (No. 4 of a series) Credit Must Read: RELIGIOUS NEWS SERVICE PHOTO (DOT-U-NY-JOG-2C-6-C-D)
Subject names:
Religious News Service--Archives., Catholic Church--Liturgy., Catholic Church--Clergy., Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Syracuse, N.Y.), Foery, Walter Andrew.
Ordination--Catholic Church., Rites and ceremonies--New York (State)--Syracuse., Bishops--New York (State)--Syracuse., Mass., Clergy--Office., Holy oils.
Geographic subjects:
Syracuse (N.Y.)
Text transcribed from caption: ORDINATION OF A PRIEST #1504 The priests-to-be prostrate themselves before the altar as a mark of their submission to the call to Holy Orders. At the same time, the Bishop invokes the power of the saints to intercede for them. Just prior to the prostration, after the gradual of the Mass, the Bishop charges the people to denounce any unworthy candidate and admonishes the deacons themselves. (No. 2 of a series) Credit Must Read: RELIGIOUS NEWS SERVICE PHOTO (DOT-U-NY-JOG-2C-6-CD)
Subject names:
Religious News Service--Archives., Catholic Church--Liturgy., Catholic Church--Clergy., Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Syracuse, N.Y.)
Ordination--Catholic Church., Rites and ceremonies--New York (State)--Syracuse., Bishops--New York (State)--Syracuse., Mass., Clergy--Office.
Geographic subjects:
Syracuse (N.Y.)

