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Order plans new novitiate.
Archbishop Cushing at Jewish meeting.
Nuns learn TV techniques.
Giant crucifix lifted.
Float in Catholic parade viewed by 1,500,000.
Archbishop wears Jungle Scout helmet.
60,000 to March in Catholic Youth Parade.
Cardinal will bless bells at late vocations seminary.
Cardinal consecrates seminary bells.
Cardinal visits Soldiers Home.
Cardinal visits Soldiers Home.
The Cardinal calls.
Liturgy reforms: Priest faces people.
Cardinal addresses Protestant group.
Cardinal addresses Protestant group.
Ecumenical spirit hailed at brotherhood event.
Ecumenical spirit hailed at brotherhood event.
Cardinal introduced at Methodist church.
Cardinal introduced at Methodist church.
Memorial Mass for President Kennedy.
English' Mass televised to classrooms.
English' Mass televised to classrooms.
Educational TV trainee.
Educational TV trainee.
Archbishop attends editors’ meeting.