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Civil rights supporters express victory hopes.
Negro leaders confer on demonstrations.
Negro leaders confer on demonstrations.
Dr. King, other Negro leaders, ask broad curtailment of demonstrations.
Negro leaders confer on demonstrations.
LBJ -- Civil rights advocate.
Whitney Young with LBJ, rights leaders.
President outlines drive against poverty to Negro leaders.
To the White House.
Dr. King meets with president.
Difference in opinion.
White segregationist attacks Dr. King.
Methodist students hear Dr. King.
Dr. King addresses Methodist students.
Dr. King hails arrests in Mississippi.
Dr. King speaks at Episcopalian meeting.
Dr. King speaks at Episcopalian meeting.
The president and 'March' leaders.
March leaders confer with president.
National anthem opens Washington march program.
National anthem opens Washington march program.
Heads together.
Dr. Martin Luther King addresses Washington marchers.
Rights leaders pushed off road.