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President Truman at Federal Council meeting.
Youngsters view Bible film.
Non-alcoholic cocktail.
Kalamazoo likes its 'singspiration.'
Kalamazoo likes its 'singspiration.'
Kalamazoo likes its 'singspiration.'
Fire-fighting nuns.
St. Michael's Cathedral, Cardinal Tien's church.
Mission travel - 1946 style.
Church meeting convenes.
Seeks church support.
At Protestant movie council event.
YWCA president confers at annual convention.
Pulpit of the Hanging Church.
The Hanging Church exterior.
The Hanging Church interior.
Evangelical Lutheran Institute for the Deaf.
Germany's Bishop Wurm at World Council conclave.
Truman confers with Baptist missionaries.
Mexican pastor at World Alliance conference.
Rabbi gets new Hungarian Army post.
The fiddler and his Bible.
Dr. Seligson & Dr. Sizoo.
Msgr. Zlamal of Cleveland visits Prague.
Czech president receives Cleveland priest.
Confer with Truman on vet housing.
Deaf attend Luther services.
President receives first Luther stamp.
Reverend Michael O'Doherty.
Hungary's new cardinal.
