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Bishop greets college scholarships winners.
William P. Thompson, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Hubert H. Humphrey.
Solidarity Day March.
At Spiritual Foundations meeting.
Archbishop receives sacred pallium.
Police join prayer at Washington for Jesus Rally.
President speaks at daughter's graduation.
Vice President hears French choir.
Nuns at White House women's conference.
Feathers fly as demonstrators scuffle during draft protest.
'Lie-in' at White House.
Portrait of Reverend Phineas D. Gurley.
U.S. clergymen support Israel on settlements' issue.
Prayers for Ambassador Stevenson.
Ambassador Stevenson at rest in cathedral.
J. Edgar Hoover funeral.
Three hundred demonstrators arrested at Pentagon nuclear protest.
Rosary Pilgrimage at National Shrine.
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.
Honor memory of Protestant chaplains.
Dr. Blake at YWCA observance.
Pro-life groups gaining ground.
Women at Catholic-United Presbyterian talks.
Negro, white Methodist conferences merge.
Video taping bishops' meeting for Alaska.
March leaders confer with president.
John Witherspoon Scott.
Lay group will oppose bishops.
Hineni group rallies for Israel in Washington.
