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Edward L.R. Elson in Vietnam.
Frente Izquierda posters and mural paintings, Uruguay 1967.
LBJ memoirs: religion's role.
Henry W. Glockler on Lebanon, December 15, 1967.
National Council of Churches leaders convene.
Kenneth Kaunda on the church and humanism, 1967.
Harvey Bruce Calkins.
A North Vietnamese nun.
Church construction, Recife, Brazil.
Temporary Women's Training Centre, Amman.
Emergency Refugee Camps in East Jordan.
Emergency Refugee Camps in East Jordan.
"Each One Reach One," Shimizugaoka Church, Japan.
"Each One Reach One," Shimizugaoka Church, Japan.
Beirut College for Women commencement ceremony, 1967.
YWCA Industrial Girls' Center, Beirut, Lebanon.
Executive Correspondence, Jan.-March 1967.
Executive Correspondence, April-June 1967.
Executive Correspondence, July-December 1967.
Field Correspondence, 1967.
Presbyterian Hospital (Taegu); correspondence regarding building program, 1967.
Frente Izquierda posters and mural paintings, Uruguay 1967.
Frente Izquierda posters, Uruguay 1967.
Frente Izquierda posters, Uruguay 1967.
Frente Izquierda posters and mural paintings, Uruguay 1967.
Photo of building in Uruguay, 1967.