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Jacob Brodhead.
John McDowell.
Group of girls seated on steps.
Christmas celebration.
Katherine E. Gladfelter.
Religion Hits the Road.
Katharine Jones Bennett.
Rev. Henry Russell Mabry, Jr.
Rev. Charles L. Thompson.
Ralph J. Hall.
Missionaut Nott Completed Mission 69.
President Woodrow Wilson.
Florence Diana Pohlman.
Henry Christopher McCook.
Lyman Stewart.
Thomas Smyth.
Charles Hodge.
Emilio Rodrigues Busto.
John McMillan, D.D.
Sheldon Jackson.
Robert H. Heinze.
Marcus Whitman Foundation program.
James Ernest Davey.
Portrait of Samuel Eryle Howie.
Miss Lucy Craft Laney.
Mary E. Wire Ramsey.
J. Paul Cameron.
Rev. Charles Beatty.
Marcus Whitman on the Great Divide.
George Duffield, D.D.
