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Edward L.R. Elson in Colmac, France.
Bulgarian child.
Portrait of Reverend Robert Alexander Mickle.
William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury.
George Whitefield.
The Rogers family in the Netherlands, 1966.
Introduction of Domesticated Reindeer into Alaska.
Introduction of Domesticated Reindeer into Alaska.
Introduction of Domesticated Reindeer into Alaska.
Introduction of Domesticated Reindeer into Alaska.
Introduction of Domesticated Reindeer into Alaska.
Introduction of Domesticated Reindeer into Alaska.
Introduction of Domesticated Reindeer into Alaska.
Eugen Gerstenmaier.
Head of Swedish Methodist Church.
Dr. Koechlin.
Indian leader at missions meeting.
73 years in ministry.
Germany's Bishop Wurm at World Council conclave.
British reconstruction leader.
Finnish leader at reconstruction meeting.
Norwegian delegate at Geneva meeting.
YMCA leader in Europe.
Cardinal Clement Emile Roques.
Cardinal Eugene Tisserant.
Berlin bishop's aide.
Secretary of Belgian church reconstruction group.
Swedish Free Church leader.
Religious affairs director in Stuttgart.
Directs material aid division.
