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(13,951 - 13,980 of 14,609)


Negroes pray for justice.
Dr. Martin Luther King addresses Washington marchers.
Principals in Alabama bus boycott.
Selma march underway at long last.
Rights leaders pushed off road.
Urge extreme action.
American Nazis active in Chicago riot.
Chicago march leaders.
Tears in Atlanta.
Signs of the past.
Ministers, religion professors jailed as Freedom Riders.
Tries to calm crowd.
Integration in Mississippi.
Whites attack school buses.
Solidarity Day.
Poor People's leader jailed.
Arrested at A&P offices.
SCLC leaders.
Hazel Cuthill oral history, 1979
St. Paul Langley Epps, circa 1960s.
St. Paul Langley Epps, 1964.
Lois Adele Hayman-El thesis, 1974
Broken Bell...Broken Treaties
Civilization Ho! or, What Happened to the Vanishing American?
An entertaining interval at Methodist banquet.
Page from New Testament.
Processional marks presentation of revised New Testament.
Revised New Testament presented to Stassen.
Supreme Court Justices.
Preaches the spoken and unspoken word.
