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(8,761 - 8,790 of 8,871)


Brother helps out.
Pedaling prelate.
Educational TV trainee.
Educational TV trainee.
Nun on camera.
"Hoodlum priest" dies.
Resigns under pressure.
Aid for the blind.
African cardinal becomes NAACP member.
A teen-age dialogue.
Nun studies at nuclear institute.
A helping hand.
To say thanks.
Amish Christmas program.
Awards scholarships.
African visitors.
March on jail.
Heads together.
"Resurrection City."
Negroes pray for justice.
Dr. Martin Luther King addresses Washington marchers.
Principals in Alabama bus boycott.
Selma march underway at long last.
Rights leaders pushed off road.
Urge extreme action.
American Nazis active in Chicago riot.
Chicago march leaders.
Tears in Atlanta.
Signs of the past.
Ministers, religion professors jailed as Freedom Riders.
