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(8,701 - 8,730 of 8,856)


Integration in Mississippi.
Whites attack school buses.
Solidarity Day.
Poor People's leader jailed.
Arrested at A&P offices.
SCLC leaders.
St. Paul Langley Epps, circa 1960s.
St. Paul Langley Epps, 1964.
Processional marks presentation of revised New Testament.
Revised New Testament presented to Stassen.
Chinese refugees.
Preaches the spoken and unspoken word.
The call to church.
Learning to read.
Royal Chinese testament.
Rope making.
Class in session.
Pius XII first pontiff to use a typewriter.
Hungary's new cardinal.
President receives first Luther stamp.
Deaf attend Luther services.
Confer with Truman on vet housing.
Msgr. Zlamal of Cleveland visits Prague.
Dr. Seligson & Dr. Sizoo.
Czech president receives Cleveland priest.
Fire-fighting nuns.
Germany's Bishop Wurm at World Council conclave.
YWCA president confers at annual convention.
At Protestant movie council event.
St. Michael's Cathedral, Cardinal Tien's church.
