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Rooftop school, Hong Kong, 1960.
Rooftop school, Hong Kong, 1960.
Rooftop school, Hong Kong, 1960.
Rooftop school, Hong Kong, 1960.
Unidentified man in front of a building, China.
World Day of Prayer meeting, 1930.
Women's group, Wei Hsien, China.
Wei Hsien Station workers.
Hong Kong, 1968.
Hong Kong, 1968.
Gertrude Roe Bayless memoir, 1923-1950.
Korea beautiful.
Day nursery at the Peking Union Women's Bible Training School, 1951.
Chinese students and missionaries in the Shantung Mission School, Chefoo, 1925.
Korean missionaries in Shantung, circa 1931.
China missionaries group portrait.
Chinkiang High School as the Students See It.
Refugees in Gymnasium.
Nanking Technical School for the Blind, 1940.
General Assembly of the Church of Christ in China, Shanghai, 1927.
Chinese refugees.
Learning to read.
St. Michael's Cathedral, Cardinal Tien's church.
China, bringing the harvest.
China refugees.
The Generalissimo arrives for a U.S. medal.
Missionaries in China.
Chinese refugees.
North China.
