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Christian college in Korea flourishing.
Christian college in Korea flourishing.
Korean educator now in the U.S.
Korean Catholic priest.
Manila prelate says Jap terrorists massacred German and Allied priests.
Reverend Michael O'Doherty.
Moscow Patriarch in his garden.
Russian Patriarch in office.
Soviet Council on Church Affairs in session.
Patriarch Alexei of Moscow.
Headquarters of Moscow Patriarchate.
China, bringing the harvest.
China refugees.
India Famine.
India Famine.
The Generalissimo arrives for a U.S. medal.
Soviet Evangelical Christians and Baptists meet.
Methodist Church On Naha, Okinawa.
Bells of Bethlehem.
Milk from America.
Singapore bishop confirms former war prisoners.
Only American woman in Philippine Army.
Only American woman in Philippine Army.
Star of Bethlehem.
Japanese Christian back at his post.
Lutheran Theological.
Seabee chapel.
Missionaries in China.
To head Catholic relief in Japan.
