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Bethel Murdoch Presbyterian Church, Loveland, Ohio.
Poethig family on Christmas Day, 1956.
Sugar Creek United Presbyterian Church, Dayton, Ohio.
As World Mission Assembly got under way.
Virginia Salgado at 15 years old, 1927.
Interior of Presbyterian Church, Delaware, Ohio.
Eastern churchmen at Mission Assembly.
Foreign church women honored.
Red Oak Presbyterian Church, Ripley, Ohio.
Figures at Church-and-Home meeting.
Presbyterian Church (Fostoria, Ohio).
Theological Seminary of the Second Associate Reformed Synod of the West, Oxford, Ohio.
Two Ridges Presbyterian Church, Wintersville, Ohio.
Quakers hold world meeting.
East meets West at Mission Assembly.
Christmas dreams.
Prisoner fashions church from cigarette packs.
Yer out!'
Clergyman dies in civil rights protest.
Cleveland church becomes 'freedom school.'
Dolls promote religious vocations.
Helicopter films promote church vocations.
Winning orator.
Their goal: the religious life.
Irish nun studys alcoholism treatment.
Presbyterian helping hand.
Interreligious 'Good Neighbor' drive.
Murdered rights worker attended NCC sessions.
Catholic vets elect new commander.
Dockside Mass.
