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Edward L.R. Elson in Colmac, France.
Danish students at Christmas.
Czech Catholics make pilgrimage to Lidice.
Prague vicar talks to journalist.
Americans to replace German monks in Sudetenland.
Norwegian bishop honored by Anglicans.
Head of Swedish Methodist Church.
Bishop and soldier.
Christmas nests for birds.
Copenhagen decorates for Christmas.
Damaged Catholic church at Dunkerque.
Czech school confiscation opposed.
Berlin prelates in church drive.
Aid for the Waldensian community.
Catholic Bishop of Berlin.
Norwegian refugee babies baptized.
Berlin's Dom open to the skies.
Germany's Methodist Bishop.
Prominent in German Christian political movement.
Press chief of German religious political group.
Berlin's Dom.
Berlin's Kaiser William church in ruins.
American church in Berlin a war casualty.
Tyn cathedral portals lose war-time garb.
Niemoeller's parsonage in ruins.
Berlin church to be rebuilt.
Niemoeller parsonage.
Berlin church leader.
Bismarck surveys wreckage of Berlin's Dom.
Coventry plans for the future.
