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The lectures or daily sermons of that Reverend Divine.
Heidelberg Castle.
Interior of the Temple of St. Gervais.
Luther burning the Pope's Bull.
Jan Hus.
Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam.
Philippus Melanchthon.
Jan Hus.
Portrait of Martin Luther.
John Calvin at the age of 25.
Expiatory Monument to Servetus, at Champel, near Geneva.
The Calvin Translation Society.
Interview of John Knox with Mary, Queen of Scotts.
The Martyrs' Monument in the Greyfriars Churchyard.
John Calvin meditating.
Theodore de Beze.
Guillelmus Farellus.
Portrait of John Knox.
Jan Hus.
Japanese translation of commentary on Romans.
Luther, Melanchthon, Pomeranus translate the Bible.
The sermon at St. Peter's after the Climbing.
The Cathedral of St. Peter, in 1735.
Portrait of Ulrich Zwingli.
John Calvin in library.
Michael Servetus.
The Queen visits the sick.
Image from a 1599 Geneva version of the Bible.
Ralph Waldo Lloyd at International Monument to the Reformation in Geneva, Switzerland.
Portrait of John Calvin.
