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Bishop Sheen backs school prayer.
Father LaFarge takes part in Washington March.
School named for heroic Maryknoll bishop.
Cardinal visits Soldiers Home.
Capital controversy.
NCC conference probes church-state problems.
Top Protestant lay leaders meet.
After Vesper services.
News release #4.
Art club popular at Pennsylvania church.
Seventh-Day Adventist anti-smoking clinics busy.
Seventh-Day Adventist anti-smoking clinics busy.
Negro group named official Presbyterian choir of the air.
Negro group named official Presbyterian choir of the air.
K of C to mark 75th anniversary.
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship names educator as director.
Seminarians' Christmas card.
Lutheran clergyman named to chaplaincy in Moscow.
Catholic editor addresses NCCJ meeting.
Acceptance of pluralism, reliance on dialogue cited to NCCJ.
Tide of public opinion held turning against radical groups.
White condemns Truman.
Ordination of a priest.
Christian youth leader and flute.
Historic American churches.
Methodist Church congregation introduces novel way of raising post-war funds for missionaries.
New Serbian Orthodox bishop consecrated as church factions continue controversy.
The president and 'March' leaders.
National anthem opens Washington march program.
Large NCC delegation marches in Washington.
