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Feathers fly as demonstrators scuffle during draft protest.
U.S. clergymen support Israel on settlements' issue.
Ambassador Stevenson at rest in cathedral.
Three hundred demonstrators arrested at Pentagon nuclear protest.
Pro-Arab protest denounce Israeli settlements.
Churchmen discuss proposed prayer amendment.
President urges religious civil rights support.
Leaders at interreligious civil rights rally.
Civil rights prayer vigil.
Protestant civil rights march to Capitol.
Prayer hearing witnesses wait to testify.
Baptists asked to support rights bill.
Nuns among president's well-wishers.
Happiest moments.
The President's pastor.
Mass for the president.
The Presidents.
President Johnson.
Prayer and the President.
A little boy's birthday.
The Kennedy smile.
President Johnson, NCC leaders discuss civil rights.
President attends Red Mass.
Bongo beat.
Perpetuating the Kennedy ideals.
Religious broadcasters honor senator.
Requiem service for King Paul in Washington.
Requiem service for King Paul in Washington.
