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Most Rev. George Luxton.
Presbyterian Church Camp and Conference Association.
Graham in Canadian Crusade.
World's most difficult mission.
New head of Canadian Council.
Association of Presbyterian Church Educators.
New head of Canadian Council.
Hootenanny seminarians.
Hootenanny seminarians.
Kiss of peace.
New head of Belgrade see.
Orthodox leaders and Catholic prelate.
Goat clowns around at animal shelters.
Goat clowns around at animal shelters.
Goat clowns around at animal shelters.
Bishops at first international retreat.
Bishops at first international retreat.
Religion-labor-industry panel.
Victims of Haiti's anti-church regime.
Victims of Haiti's anti-church regime.
Jesuit missionaries arrive here.
World Presbyterian Alliance meeting.
The topic: TV and children.
The topic: TV and children.
Mission in the Arctic.
Punjab Sikhs form colorful colony.
British Columbia's picturesque colonies of Punjab Sikhs.
Punjab Sikhs form colorful colony.
British Columbia's picturesque colonies of Punjab Sikhs.
British Columbia's picturesque colonies of Punjab Sikhs.
