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Nuns go down submarine.
Gift wrapping with a message.
Memorial Coliseum signage with passersby.
Governor gets Catholic Youth poster.
The Arapahoes are coming!!
Missing befriender of Jews is honored.
Indians ask delegates for support at Methodist conference.
Archbishop Cushing at Jewish meeting.
United Church communion service.
9,000 at St. Louis Reformation service.
Frigid weather no deterrent to Green Bay protestors.
Catholic-Orthodox marriage ceremony.
Officers of Mission to Lepers.
Notre Dame honored ambassador.
Church group in meet.
Police join prayer at Washington for Jesus Rally.
Children pray for president.
97,500 hear evangelist during Birmingham crusade.
Presentation of Mother Joseph statue slated at Capitol.
Nuns learn TV techniques.
Letter from Steve Dunwell to David Sommer about three photographs from Honduras.
Letter from Steve Dunwell to David Sommer about three photographs from Honduras.
Priest arrested in civil rights cause.
College dedicates unique campus chapel.
Church and mosque damaged by bombs.
Korea sea hero joins monastery.
Club helps shut-ins hear mass.
'Hot Rod' racers combine religion with sports.
Busy making "friendship leis."
Nun tries hand at playing violin.
