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(14,341 - 14,370 of 15,377)


Boston archdiocese "supportive" of refusal.
No baptism.
Don't mess with father.
Nuns run foster home.
Baptism denied baby of abortion advocate.
Priest-hostage injured in prison break attempt.
High kicks.
Priest-hostage injured in prison break attempt.
High kicking charismatics.
Ecclesiastical jet set.
Maryknoller exists in a kind of 'limbo.'
Father MacNutt will receive Franciscan international award.
Priest to receive award.
Ministry of healing.
Makes a happy day in the Bronx.
Ecclesiastical jet set.
Center of attraction.
Happy day for eight youngsters.
Center of attraction.
New Christian.
New Christian.
Assesses South African situation.
At home behind bars.
The high cost of college.
College -- will it break the family budget?
On exhibit.
Rabin pledges moves on peace.
20,000 hear the Rev. Moon.
Counter rallies during Moon appearance.
Fresco of pregnant Mary is artist's gift.
