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Portrait of Senator Paul Tsongas with handwritten note to Rev. Edward L. R. Elson.
Priest's T-shirt gives message of Lenten prayer crusade.
Archbishop Cushing at Jewish meeting.
Giant crucifix lifted.
Unitarian Universalist march in Boston.
William Phelps Thompson clippings and photographs.
Thanksgiving food donations.
Illuminated rosary blessed.
James W. and Belle Hawkes.
Eliot Presbyterian Church, Lowell, Massachusetts.
Float in Catholic parade viewed by 1,500,000.
New building at Episcopal Theological School.
Archbishop wears Jungle Scout helmet.
Dressed in Pilgrim style.
Indian Cardinal says TV mass.
Dressed in Pilgrim style.
Seminary decorated for Christmas.
Katie G. Cannon at a Harvard Divinity School bicentennial celebration.
Katie G. Cannon.
Indians demonstrate at Plymouth Rock.
Santa arrives by rail.
Bishops' wives back integration: two jailed.
Norway bishop consecrates Trappist priest.
Communion for retarded child.
Cardinal consecrates seminary bells.
Cardinal visits Soldiers Home.
Nationalist China honors Cardinal Cushing.
NAACP leader at Catholic social action parley.
Miss Day cited for Catholic action.
Chalice that survived massacre.
