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A Towering Monarch Fallen.
American Mission to Lepers world leprosy tour.
Dirt road in Bethesda, Suriname Leper Colony.
Modes of travel.
Of Two Generations.
American Mission to Lepers, world leprosy tour.
Elat Industrial School-Office.
El Guacio Christian Service Center, San Sebastián, Puerto Rico, 1948.
American Mission to Lepers world leprosy tour.
James Ernest Davey.
American Mission to Lepers, world leprosy tour.
Marcus Whitman on the Great Divide.
Eight women in sashes.
Amasa Converse.
Leprosy colony.
American Mission to Lepers world leprosy tour.
Ancient arched bridge and gate beyond.
A Sunday attendance of 5745 persons at Elat.
Three women.
Korean Hospital Ward.
Street in Agua de Dios Leper Colony.
Margaretta Fitzgerald Benson.
Clement Cresson Dickey.
Rev. and Mrs. John C. Crenshaw and children.
American Mission to Lepers, world leprosy tour.
Labor Temple girls' class.
Francis Newton.
American Mission to Lepers world leprosy tour.
Leprosy colony in Nigeria.
Group of missionaries in São Paulo, Brazil.
