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They Want to March.
Clergymen in Forefront of March.
Clergymen Continue Selma Protest.
Soong Sil graduate, Seoul, 1965.
Catholic-Jewish dialogue.
Remembered on inauguration day.
New cardinals represent many nations.
Catholics and Jews hold theological colloquy.
Catholic-Jewish theological debate.
Pope embraces Cardinal Beran.
Cardinal Maurice Roy.
Paul Verghese.
Choir - stairway.
Boys' choir.
Youth choir.
A young teacher.
Three words say it all.
Many countries represented at Pacem in Terris convocation.
WCC leader welcomes Cardinal Bea.
Pioneer interreligious TV program.
Vatican, Protestant ecumenists meet.
WCC-Vatican 'working group' discussed.
Anti-semitism protested.
The Last Supper.
Entombment of Christ.
World Presbyterian Alliance meeting.
Invocation at President's inauguration.
The Ascension in abstract art.
