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Dr. Hereford and Rev. Barnard demonstrate development of corn, Hiroshima, 1938.
Madame Yajima, 1922.
Northern Presbyterian Mission of Japan in Tokyo, circa 1883-1884.
Toyohiko Kagawa with family.
Japanese Christian housewife wins novel prize.
Nagoya Girls School, circa 1920s.
Church camps to the rescue.
They pray to the ancient gods.
Japanese farmer brings father to roadside shrine.
A typical Japanese roadside shrine.
Japanese farmerettes.
Mather library.
Tokyo theological school.
Tokyo chapel a scarred ruin.
Jesuit university in Tokyo still operating.
Sendai Cathedral in Japan in ruins.
Mrs. Tamaki Uemura.
University convent escapes Tokyo damage.
Sendai girls' school leveled.
Priest surveys damaged Tokyo school.
Tokyo Episcopal cafeteria.
Japanese war orphans.
Rector of Tokyo university chapel.
Japanese convent razed.
She smiles in hope for the future.
Tidying up the ruins.
Nothing left but the walls.
Surveying the ruins.
Lunch on a rooftop.
The pastor entertains an Okinawa family.
