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Republican presidential nominee.
Seminarians' Christmas card.
White condemns Truman.
Moon condemnation of anti-Semitism draws call for 'concrete action.'
Moon condemns anti-Semitism.
Wife of South Korea's president slain by assassin shooting at her husband.
A Filipino Catholic bishop describes problems he faces.
Priest-producer says television should improve quality of life.
6,000 'lost' Japanese women spur a protest at U.N.
Showdown on South Africa looms before the U.N.
Press has been 'too meek,' says winner of A.D. Award.
Nuns, archdiocese mark bicentennial of Mother Seton and her services.
New York City fallout shelter food could feed 12 million for 2 weeks.
U Thant dies at 65.
Dick Gregory, Jesse Jackson hit pro-abortion 'mentality.'
Priests, ministers head congregations in raising food on church-owned land.
Jesuit priest business manager for a famed jazz pianist.