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Heidelberg Castle.
The Olympic Games in Berlin: A Question of Fair Play.
Leaders at main German church day rally, alternate caption.
"Rubble" Church rises in Germany.
Nun is among DPs bound for America.
American studies Bible with Germans.
Christian Berg, "Pilgrimage."
Feeding the hungry.
Hilfswerk welcomes war veterans.
DPs board "Ship of Freedom."
Letter from Henry Smith Leiper to “Dear Homelanders”, August 30, 1935.
Luther's thesis nailed to the church door in Wittenberg.
American studies Bible with Germans.
American and Foreign Christian Union.
Prayer from a helicopter.
Power of prayer.
Swan's way to say Happy Valentine.
German gift for Hiroshima Peace Church.
Bonn giving tabernacle to world peace church of Hiroshima.
German Church, Oct. 1933-Sept. 1949.
Ecumenical guests at reception following Good Friday services at the Kaiser Friedrich Gedaechtniskirche, Haendel Allee, Berlin, March 27, 1964.
German pastors work on assembly line.
Huge Berlin crowd gathers to hear Dr. King.
Famous Christmas angel of Nuremberg.
Martin Luther King at Berlin Wall.
Martin Luther King at Berlin Wall.
Martin Luther King at Berlin Wall.
King inspects Wall.
Rolf Hochhuth.
Christmas visitors to cross red wall.
