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Presbytery of Atlantic minutes, 1886-1908.
Memorial Presbyterian Church (Juneau, Alaska) session minutes, 1955-1958.
Phineas Densmore Gurley sermon delivered at the funeral of Willie Lincoln.
Presbyterian Historical Society.
The Kingly Christ.
General Assembly Twitter.
The lectures or daily sermons of that Reverend Divine.
Heidelberg Castle.
Chamorro Church and group.
God's favorite nation.
"Forms and Services" with annotations, 1904.
Berean Church, South College Avenue above Nineteenth Street.
Interior of the Temple of St. Gervais.
Women's Advisory Committee, 1940.
Second Presbyterian Church, Memphis, Tenn. sanctuary.
Synod of the Northeast.
Tenth Church, Corner Thirty-eighth and Hamilton Streets.
The Church on the Circle.
Synod of Catawba minutes, 1951.
Revised copy of "Forms and Services,", 1904.
Bethany Presbyterian Church, Monteflores, Puerto Rico.
Highlights of the 178th General Assembly: William Phelps Thompson says hello.
Sr. Bello in front of Protestant chapel.
First Presbyterian Church (High Street), Philadelphia.
Presbytery of Milwaukee.
223rd General Assembly Co-Moderators Facebook.
Fourth Church, Forty-Seventh and Kingsessing Avenue.
White Memorial Presbyterian Church, Raleigh, N.C. Yearbook.
Whitewater Valley Presbytery.
