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(23,671 - 23,700 of 25,478)


Signing of "Lausanne covenant."
Signing of "Lausanne covenant."
Graham greets Lausanne participants.
Baptist youth meet.
Space window dedication.
Participants in evangelism congress.
Space window dedication.
Women at Lausanne congress.
Population growth and evangelism.
Population growth and evangelism.
Population growth and evangelism.
Women at Lausanne congress.
Women's role, vice president on SBC agenda.
Women's role, vice president on SBC agenda.
At evangelical meeting.
Voices hope for 'spirit of Lausanne.'
Voices hope for 'spirit of Lausanne.'
At evangelical meeting.
Voices hope for 'spirit of Lausanne.'
Space window dedication.
At evangelical meeting.
Heads lawyers committee for Soviet Jews.
SBC officers.
For immediate release.
Bolshoi picketed.
Southern Baptists elect officers.
Women's role, vice president on SBC agenda.
Bolshoi picketed.
Southern Baptists elect officers.
Bolshoi picketed.
