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Mass for the president.
Lyndon B. Johnson.
President Johnson.
A presidential tradition.
President Johnson.
Knights of Malta honor Mr. Johnson.
Greek Orthodox memorial for late president.
Clergymen escort president's body.
First Family attends memorial ceremony.
Christmas at the capitol.
This sign was erected yesterday at the Ellipse.
First Family joins candlelight service.
Candlelight service for late President.
First time for First Family.
The First Family: Churchgoers.
Kennedy addresses nation on civil rights.
At 46, a big grin.
John Kennedy: Race is a 'moral crisis.'
The Kennedy smile.
Johnson meets with churchmen.
President Johnson, NCC leaders discuss civil rights.
Johnsons leave worship service.
President Johnson attends interreligious service.
Release: immediate.
Honor slain president.
Jackie receives flag.
Profile in courage.
Mourn Kennedy in St. Patrick's.
A mourning nation prays.
