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Pioneer interreligious TV program.
Atlanta citizens honor Dr. King.
Nuns, priest pray for Churchill.
Clergy and choir at inaugural.
President attends inaugural service.
Ecumenism and understanding.
Priest leads congregation to immunization center.
Churchmen play key role in health drive.
At service for 89th Congress.
Major Leaguers offer to pitch for their church.
Ash Wednesday on commuter train.
Presbyterian moderators at service.
Two-way phones connect fund dinners.
Senior African pastors.
Paul Carlson Memorial Tower.
Rebuilt Negro church dedicated.
African and Russian churchmen meet.
WCC General Secretary opens Central Committee meeting.
"Don't marry a pastor."
First English Mass in Chile.
Pope greets second Negro cardinal.
Glenmary priests at work in Appalachia.
Soviet ambassador inspects a Bible.
Catholics and Jews hold theological colloquy.
New cardinals represent many nations.
Glenmary priests at work in Appalachia.
Presbyterian moderators at service.
Two-way phones connect fund dinners.
WCC General Secretary opens Central Committee meeting.
Chicago college announces  Carlson Memorial Tower.
