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(181 - 204 of 204)


Faith and blood: The Romanians, their history and liturgy.
The twenty-sixth annual Fordham Conference on Easter Rites and Liturgies.
Outline of the Byzantine liturgy.
At Fordham's Eastern Rite liturgy.
Marist nun gets Jesuit mission award.
Twenty-second annual Jesuit Mission Benefit Dinner.
Pieta sealed off for winter.
Michelangelo's Pieta 'stored' for winter.
Father George Haye.
Father George Haye.
Clergy's protest against Diem regime.
Protestant groups unite to serve community.
Protestant groups unite to serve community.
Ten Commandments in Iroquois.
Ten Commandments in Iroquois.
Ten Commandments in Iroquois.
Confirmation class.
Off for Cambridge Conference.
Off for Cambridge Conference.
Religious agencies cite network program.
Religious agencies cite network program.
Protestant groups unite to serve community.
