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PWs hold religious services.
Polish Lutherans hold service in Warsaw.
RNS Bern Zaugg Polish Series photo 35.
Great Mosque at Acre.
Village mosque at Majdal.
German church officials.
German church official.
Village mosque.
Sunday afternoon services popular in Japan.
Czech president receives Cleveland priest.
Raul Ceballos Fernandez.
Religion plays vital part in China’s struggle.
Czech ruler receives Catholic delegation.
Greek Orthodox pilgrims seek cure.
Leader of Japanese peace society.
RNS Polish Methodist series.
Methodist, Lutheran leaders confer.
German church official.
Discuss Oslo World Christian Youth Conference.
Discuss Oslo World Christian Youth Conference.
Bishop Muench at German bishops’ conference.
Seminary students cheer minister.
Msgr. Zlamal of Cleveland visits Prague.
Pope honors Vienna prison chaplain.
Appointment stirs protest.
PWs hold religious services.