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PWs hold religious services.
Polish Lutherans hold service in Warsaw.
RNS Bern Zaugg Polish Series photo 35.
Religion on the move.
Archbishop blesses plane.
Union Theological procession.
Dr. Frederick Grant & Dr. Julian Morganstern.
Addresses new Catholic theological society.
Dr. Frederick C. Grant, Dr. Julian Morganstern, & Dr. Henry Pitney van Dusen.
Religion on the move.
Great Mosque at Acre.
Village mosque at Majdal.
Church of the Nativity.
Bohumil Vancura.
Cleveland priest visits Prague.
Raising the Host.
73 years in ministry.
Berlin bishop's aide.
German church officials.
German church official.
Rev. Commodore T. Davies.
Father Cardijn.
Father Cardijn.
Dr. Meek group.
GIs study for ministry.
GIs study for ministry.
Summer vesper service.
16,000 attend 'service of witness.'
Babes in church.
Ecumenical worship.
