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Foreign churchmen study in Chicago.
Woman minister appointed.
Two-way phones connect fund dinners.
Concordia opens.
RNS Bern Zaugg Polish Series photo 35.
Charismatic renewal in Japan.
Sea-going parson.
Faith and Order Commission.
German church officials.
Connecticut clergymen tour Baptist headquarters.
SBC officers.
Moderator of the General Assembly of the United Church of Canada.
Chapel car retired.
Soul-saving trip is ended.
After Vesper services.
Americans worship in Berlin.
Palladium festival.
Ecumenical editor to retire.
Dr. Fey to retire as 'Century' editor.
Seminarians' Christmas card.
Honored at Sewanee.
Father Dion and family with Bp. Wright.
Russian Baptist leader dies.
Priest to receive award.
The Haqq Mission in Ceylon.
Playing a waiting game.
Ordination ceremony of the first women parsons in Zürich.
Archbishop of Lutheran Church of Norway.
After church.
