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Foreign churchmen study in Chicago.
Foreign churchmen study in Chicago.
Woman minister appointed.
Disciples minister aids French youth group.
Worship service.
Bible school, Caparra Terrace, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1957.
Students concerned with race, church mission.
Dr. Paul Tillich.
Dr. Roswell Barnes.
Religion on the move.
Archbishop blesses plane.
Union Theological procession.
Union Theological procession.
Union Theological procession.
Union Theological procession.
Dr. Frederick Grant & Dr. Julian Morganstern.
H. Fuglsang-Damgaard.
Christian Bartholdy.
Dr. Frederick C. Grant, Dr. Julian Morganstern, & Dr. Henry Pitney van Dusen.
Father Weigel, famed theologian, dies at 57.
Religion on the move.
Religion on the move.
Church union consultation leaders.
Bethlehem Lutheran Sunday Service.
Church of the Nativity.
Bohumil Vancura.
Cleveland priest visits Prague.
Dr. J.M. Dawson to direct Baptists' Washington Office.
Thomas Smyth.
Raising the Host.
