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Presbyterian church, school and parsonage, Salt Lake City Utah.
Marcus Whitman on his winter ride.
Presbyterian Chapel School, Richmond, Utah.
The Teachers' Home.
The Presbyterian Mission in Shantung.
Dr. Nevius and a group of boys.
Dr. Nevius in his wheelbarrow.
A group of Inquirers with their teacher in the centre.
Mr. Chang Ming-Kiai, his son, grandson, and great grandson.
The Ningpo Pagoda.
A mission teacher's boarding place.
Black Sheep.
One of the early mission schools, Smithfield, Utah.
A Trip on the Dorothy.
Westminster Hospital, Urumia.
Board of National Missions bulletin.
Institute of Industrial Relations.
Dr. Cochran with a Kurdish Chieftain.
The Korea Mission Field.
Presbyterian Teachers' Convention.
Memorial Arch in a Shantung Village.
Chinese graves outside of Tung-Chow Fu Walls.
Signing the Treaty of Tientsin.
Mary and I.