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Independence Day celebration in the Congo, 1960.
Independence Day celebration in the Congo, 1960.
Independence Day celebration in the Congo, 1960.
Dr. Tinsley Smith's pet leopard.
Carroll R. Stegall Papers
Independence Day celebration in Luebo, 1960.
APCM missionaries at Luebo.
Independence Day celebration in Luebo, 1960.
Lapsley Memorial Chapel, Belgian Congo.
Integration of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission and the Église Presbyterienne au Congo.
APCM missionaries.
Church building in Luebo.
Integration of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission and the Église Presbyterienne au Congo.
Classroom setting in the Congo.
President Joseph Kasavubu and General Mobutu Sese Seko in Independence Day parade.
United Nations assistance in the Congo.
Integration of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission and the Église Presbyterienne au Congo.
William H. Sheppard Papers
Hydro Project in Zaire.
Integration of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission and the Église Presbyterienne au Congo.
Missionary conference, Leopoldville.
L.C. Vass and Mr. and Mrs. Crowley.
Althea Brown Edmiston.
Integration of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission and the Église Presbyterienne au Congo.
Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations relief in the Congo.
Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations relief in the Congo.
Integration of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission and the Église Presbyterienne au Congo.
Boy with both hands cut off.
United Nations assistance in the Congo.
