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In memoriam: a demonstration for civil rights.
Rabbi beaten in Mississippi voter drive.
Church services planned to press for civil rights.
Mississippi civil rights inquiry opens.
Galloway United Methodist Church, segregated.
Injunction served during racial prayer service.
Everett Parker.
Segregationist governor picketed by priest.
Catholic council honors Protestant civil rights leader.
King's children help pack extra provisions.
Lunches for civil rights marchers.
Photo highlights of 1963.
Methodist cover story.
Mrs. Sibley with Mary Bethune.
Students concerned with race, church mission.
National evangelical group meets.
Samuel Proctor.
Off to new post.
Highlights of 1963.
Highlights of 1963.
New Anglican Archbishop of Capetown.
Dr. King wins Nobel Peace Prize.
Detroit billboard combat prejudice.
For equal education opportunities.
World Council leaders condemns racists.
Monk burns self to death.
Ina Sugihara.
McPeek addresses race relations session.
Addresses race relations session.