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Martin Luther King at Berlin Wall.
King inspects Wall.
New manager.
Connecticut clergymen tour Baptist headquarters.
Leis for integrationist.
Chicago boy gets fresh air vacation.
Interracial group paints Negro church.
United Presbyterian leaders touring Africa.
COCU secretariat installed.
Family day at St. Boniface's.
Catholic group awards scholarships to Negroes.
SBC officers.
Proud parents.
First service in new church.
R. I. Home Visit Day features visits by nuns.
First services bomb church.
Caption material for pictures on Western Jurisdictional Conference of Methodist Church.
LBJ -- Civil rights advocate.
Whitney Young with LBJ, rights leaders.
American Mother of 1946.
Honored at Sewanee.
President, Dr. King address ALC convention.
School boycott to go on.
Civil rights supporters express victory hopes.
Cleveland church becomes 'freedom school.'
United Presbyterian leaders meet Pope.
Appeal for order.
Negro leaders confer on demonstrations.
Cardinal greets Papal volunteers.
Water turned on demonstrators.
