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30 Years After Martin Luther King Jr.'s Death
A Correlation Between the Action-Norms Within the Religious Ethics of Howard Thurman and Martin Luther King, Jr.
Field Examinations.
The Beloved Community and Eco-Justice.
Preaching in the Language of Justice.
Justice Ethics
When You Think You've Had Enough.
The Normative and Pragmatic Factors in the Ethical Method of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Field Examination II.
King and Gender Justice.
Howard Thurman subject file.
Selected Comparison of Moral Agency in the Formal Theological-Ethical Writings of Black Christian Theology.
Out of the Shadows of Death
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. subject file.
Out of the Shadows of Death
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. subject file.
The Beloved Community
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. subject file.
Council on Church and Race, circa 1965.
Council on Church and Race, circa 1965.
LBJ -- Civil rights advocate.
Whitney Young with LBJ, rights leaders.
Atlanta citizens honor Dr. King.
Heads together.
Dr. Martin Luther King addresses Washington marchers.
Rights leaders pushed off road.