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Sketch of statue of Deborah.
Sketch of John Witherspoon statue.
First Church, Corner Nineteenth and Federal Streets.
Oak Lane Presbyterian Church original building.
Harper Memorial Church, Twenty-sixth Street and Susquehanna Avenue.
Norris Square Church, Corner Hancock Street and Susquehanna Avenue.
Greenway Chapel, Fifty-sixth Street and Woodland Avenue.
Berean Church, South College Avenue above Nineteenth Street.
Fourth Church, Corner Nineteenth and Fitzwater Streets.
Trinity Church, Chestnut Hill.
Meadow Church, Eighth Street and Moyamensing Avenue.
First Church, Corner Broad and Lombard Streets.
North Church, Master Street above Fifteenth.
Fifth Church, Front Street above York.
Fourth Church, Nineteenth and Catherine Streets.
Church of the Redeemer, Penn, Wistar, and Chew Streets, Germantown.
Mt. Airy Church, Germantown and Mt. Pleasant Avenues.
Patterson Memorial Church, Sixty-third and Vine Streets.
Disston Memorial Church, Tacony.
Memorial Collegiate Chapel, Corner Nineteenth and York Streets.
First Church, corner Nineteenth and Federal Streets.
Summit Church, Carpenter and Green Streets.
Overbrook Church, City and Lancaster Avenues.
Fifth Church, Twentieth and Buttonwood Streets.
Hope Church, Thirty-third and Wharton Streets.
Memorial Church, Corner Eighteenth Street and Montgomery Avenue.
Carmel (German) Church, Corner Nineteenth Street and Susquehanna Avenue.
West Church, Corner Forty-third and Aspen Streets.
Second Church, corner Twentieth and Vine Streets.
Third Church, Deal Street East of Frankford Avenue.
