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(481 - 510 of 571)


Interreligious 'Good Neighbor' drive.
Photos-Religious News Service.
Bible College president named to lead evangelicals.
Martin Luther King at Berlin Wall.
King inspects Wall.
Clergy Conference on Race.
Mississippi church burnings.
Resurgence of Ku Klux Klan activity seen.
Republican presidential nominee.
Search spreads for missing rights workers.
Negro attorney named to LCA Executive Council.
Culture replaces beer at off-beat theater.
Letter from Bruce Heilbuth.
A study in non-study.
Leis for integrationist.
Capetown's Archbishop to retire.
Capetown's Archbishop to retire; Opposed Apartheid system.
Mug shot.
Breakfast in bed.
NSSA Convention - Portland, Oregon.
Miller, segregationist at rally.
Prayer at bombing scene.
Harassed Negro couple aided by clergymen.
Aid for Negro family.
Monks pray at altar to suicide priest.
Integrated Catholic school hit by explosion, fire.
Blast damages integrated school.
Plaque being presented to Gov. Matthew Welsh on behalf of NAACP.
"Freedom Schools" held for boycotting students.
Dedicate tree for Andrew Goodman.
