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Kissinger Receives ADL Democratic Legacy Award.
A weary Cambodian mother waits for food for her hungry child.
Summer time is mission time in the south.
Opponents join in Zimbabwe Thanksgiving service.
Rhodesian mother mourns daughter killed by guerrilla missile.
Priest's T-shirt gives message of Lenten prayer crusade.
Salvation Army reenacts 1880 arrival in New York.
Jazz artist at pastoral musicians' conference.
Family gospel group to be featured on television show.
Synagogue celebrates 90th anniversary.
Parish members re-enact experience of immigrant forebears.
Charismatic movement enters new phase, becoming more integrated into churches.
Missing befriender of Jews is honored.
Southern Baptists Active in Resettling Cuban Refugees.
Southern Baptists Active in Resettling Cuban Refugees.
Indians ask delegates for support at Methodist conference.
Church Women United launch a spirit walk in Atlantic City.
British troops disperse N. Ireland rioters.
Ballet on African odyssey to debut in New York.
Hineni group rallies for Israel in Washington.
An estimated 100,000 march for Soviet Jewry.
Vermont town considers community dome to reduce heating costs.
Dance company performs at Cathedral of St. John the Divine.
U.S. clergymen support Israel on settlements' issue.
A weary Cambodian mother waits for food for her hungry child, alternative caption.
Priest's T-shirt gives message of Lenten prayer crusade.
Tenth anniversary of Earth Day observed.
Cheerful mother of hostage patiently awaits his return.
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society lauded for 100 years of service.
Winooski dome conference to feature R. Buckminster Fuller.
