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Alan T. Forbes oral history, 2010, side 3.
Richard C. and Anna Mae Rowe report from Cameroon, 1960, side 2.
Henry Smith Leiper memorial, 1975.
Margaret Purchase slideshow audio, 1957, side 2.
Highlights of the 178th General Assembly: William Phelps Thompson says hello.
Alice Hill cassette 5, side 1, 1970s.
Margaret Purchase slideshow audio, 1957, side 1.
Sounds of the Zaire Republic, side 1.
Buck Hill Falls mission consultation, after 1957, side 2.
Alan T. Forbes oral history, 2010, side 5.
Eugene Carson Blake interviewed by R. W. Bauer, 1983, side 3.
Alice Hill disc, side 2, before 1975.
Karen Henry, Big Rapids, Michigan, on Palestine, 1994, side 1.
Sounds of the Zaire Republic, side 2.
Kenneth Neigh remarks to standing committee on urbanization, 174th General Assembly, May 21, 1962, side 1.
Board of National Missions miners hospitals discussions, April 1963, tape 6.
Highlights of the 179th General Assembly, part 4.
Raymond Canda interviewed by Ed Wicklein, 19 May 1981, side 1.
Highlights of the 179th General Assembly, part 2.
Alice Hill cassette 8, side 2, 1970s.
Highlights of the 182nd General Assembly, side 2
Profile of a riot, side 2.
Bill Lytle interviewed by Charles Quirk, 1981, side 1.
First Presbyterian Church, Phoenix, Arizona, chancel choir centennial recording, 1979, side 2.
Confession of 1967 side C.
Profile of a riot, side 1.
Iranian women's meeting.
Sounds of the Zaire Republic.
Alice Hill cassette 7, side 1, 1970s.
Eugene Carson Blake interviewed by R. W. Bauer, 1983, side 1.
