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(1 - 30 of 208)


Condemns bomb attacks.
Pope says Mass for Catholic workers.
Pieta's safe arrival.
Ailing boy, 6, visits Pope.
Ailing boy, 6, visits Pope.
Pope greets Jordan's King.
Pope receives Jordan's King.
Pope meets Negro priest.
Royal couple calls on Pope.
Princess Irene sees Pope after wedding.
Pope and priest.
Flowers for the Pope.
Pope says Mass for altar boys.
Denmark's King and Queen have audience with Pope.
Gift for the Pope.
Pope receives Denmark's royal family.
Pope visits prison, says Mass.
Pope visits prisoners.
Separate from royal family.
Pope receives Dutch princess.
Pope gives Easter blessing.
Easter blessing from pontiff.
The hero of Stalingrado preaches to the Pope!
Lenten preacher for Pope.
Pope in helicopter waits for take-off.
Pope begins historic journey.
Pope's arrival in Orvieto.
Awaiting Pope's arrival.
Vatican Council opens with Mass.
At the 'Door of Death'
