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A weary Cambodian mother waits for food for her hungry child, alternative caption.
General Kitching in Africa, press release.
Catholic Digest press release.
Charred bodies of rescue victims displayed in Iran, press release.
Power of prayer.
Christian Deputation to Japan, Oct.-Nov. 1945.
Japan Reconciliation (deputation to Japan), 1945.
Shakespeare: Soul of an Age returns to NBC-TV April 26.
U.S. film star presents LWF canteen in Hong Kong.
Double trouble.
Huge parachute drop brings Christ to Japan.
Easter blessing from pontiff.
The hero of Stalingrado preaches to the Pope!
Makarios interrupts talks and goes to Church.
WCC will survey Africa needs.
Praised for influence in his life, bishops oppose Goldwater's views.
Pope takes helicopter flight to Orvieto.
Flannery O'Connor.
Billy Graham pauses to give autograph to youthful admirer.
Five new bishops begin work.
Ecumenical youth and student conference of the Middle East.
Inquirers respond to Billy Graham and accept Christ as their personal savior.
Lutheran church given gold president's cross.
For immediate release.
Folksong Mass' clergyman to serve Indians.
Notable dramatic productions, jazz and motion picture scenes included in eight-part series on "Look Up and Live."
Communications leader, editor honored.
Topping-out ceremony at Protestant chapel at international airport.
Bishop Mueller honored at I.U.
Fact Sheet on Oratorio.
