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The Kassai Herald.
Adolphus Clemens Good Papers
Sounds of the Zaire Republic, side 1.
Stock certificate for Lapsley.
Sounds of the Zaire Republic, side 2.
Bulape Station annual reports.
Typed transcription of William H. Sheppard diary, 1899 Sept. 13-14.
Bulape Station correspondence, 1929.
Integration of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission and the Église Presbyterienne au Congo.
House of King Lukenga.
Adolphus Clemens Good journal, September 1882-February, 1884.
Classroom setting in the Congo.
Printed inspirational cards, undated.
Annual letters of the Presbyterian Congo Mission to the Executive Committee of Foreign Missions, 1920-1921.
Sounds of the Zaire Republic.
President Joseph Kasavubu and General Mobutu Sese Seko in Independence Day parade.
Song After Sorrow, 1938, part 2.
Integration of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission and the Église Presbyterienne au Congo.
William H. Sheppard Congo mission photograph album, circa 1890-1910.
United Nations assistance in the Congo.
William H. Sheppard notes on curios from Africa, 1893.
Illustrated mission lands.
Integration of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission and the Église Presbyterienne au Congo.
Integration of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission and the Église Presbyterienne au Congo.
Map of mission stations in Africa.
Integration of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission and the Église Presbyterienne au Congo.
Independence Day celebration in the Congo, 1960.
Portrait of Verna Mwikuta.
Nkana mu Ncema.
