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Royal charm at work.
Protestant hospital dedicated.
American priest leaves China.
The Sacred Rock -- Jerusalem.
Queen attends service in Nigeria.
Queen Elizabeth at church service.
Queen Elizabeth worships on African soil.
Bonn giving tabernacle to world peace church of Hiroshima.
Blast rocks Ulster Church.
Belfast bomb blast kills 14.
Easter services on 'Mar's Hill'.
Mobile altar for "dialogue mass" in Westminster Cathedral.
100 Muslim leaders from 70 nations hold congress.
Ecumenical cruisers.
Russian archbishop at Nagasaki tree planting ceremony.
Billy Graham addresses clergy.
Pentecost - May 17, 1964.
Cardinal Agagianian named congress legate.
High Mass commentators.
Ailing boy, 6, visits Pope.
Last rites for Can.
Pope greets Jordan's King.
A paralysed man ordained Catholic priest.
Pope meets Negro priest.
Royal couple calls on Pope.
Flowers for the Pope.
Gift for the Pope.
Easter Sunday near Red China border.
Pope visits prisoners.
Anniversary reception.
