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Nuns practice bow and arrow.
Papal Nuncio works for peace.
As United Stewardship Council met.
Defends organized religion.
Kissinger Receives ADL Democratic Legacy Award.
Wisconsin churches merge.
New Mass honors patron of Europe.
A weary Cambodian mother waits for food for her hungry child.
Father Dion and family.
New leaders of temperance group.
Summer time is mission time in the south.
Teenagers depict adolescent problems in health show.
Archbishop Cody: ecumenist.
Vienna Boys Choir here for tour.
Dystrophy victim inspires prayer vigil.
Children flock to church in store.
Boy Scouts are would-be speechmakers.
Sisters board plane for Africa.
Opponents join in Zimbabwe Thanksgiving service.
Melchite Patriarch in Philadelphia.
Rhodesian mother mourns daughter killed by guerrilla missile.
Plantation priest.
Africa's Loneliest University.
Appealing to CIO.
Two little "sisters."
Concern for the Decline of the Family Farm is Expressed by Religious Leaders.
Novices in new negro community.
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society lauded for 100 years of service.
Priest's T-shirt gives message of Lenten prayer crusade.
Astronauts have breakfast with priests.
